Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Now in Available in Portuguese!

Duquian over at Sedentário and Hiprativo, a Brazilian popular culture website and affiliate of the Rede Record national TV network, got in touch with me and asked me to edit and translate my post about 50 observations about Brazil to use for their website. Due to a demanding work schedule and generally being very busy about preparing to move back to Ireland, I didn't have time to get my Brazilian friends to review my 3am Google-translated version which I sent him. It was a pity, as while the result was understandable (for the most part) it definitely would have benefited from being looked over by a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker.

Anyway, here is the result: my first (and possibly only!) ever publication in Brazilian Portuguese on a Brazilian  national media network website:

61 Impressões de um irlandês sobre o BRASIL

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