The device went on the market before Christmas. According to a Nike spokesperson, the manufacturers hope to appeal to both the seasoned runner and the novices who will be setting out on their New Years Resolution-inspired first forays this January.
The gadget review website,, was glowing in its review, saying that the product matches up to its advertisements’ glowing descriptions, and, ‘it actually motivated the reviewers to run harder and more often than normal.’
Runners can buy the device directly from Apple’s website, although another blogger, who professes more than a respectful admiration for all things ipod-relatd, advises that with a tiny bit of DIY know-how and some Velcro, you can forego shelling out for a new pair of Nike runners!
The gadget review website,, was glowing in its review, saying that the product matches up to its advertisements’ glowing descriptions, and, ‘it actually motivated the reviewers to run harder and more often than normal.’
Runners can buy the device directly from Apple’s website, although another blogger, who professes more than a respectful admiration for all things ipod-relatd, advises that with a tiny bit of DIY know-how and some Velcro, you can forego shelling out for a new pair of Nike runners!
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