What reforms have you planned for the HSE? Any hope of making the health service more efficient?
Sinn Féin is committed to a new universal public health system that provides care to all free at the point of delivery, on the basis of need alone, and funded from general fair and progressive taxation.
We will make the health service more efficient in a number of ways, all of which are detailed in our manifesto. I’ll mention just a couple for now:
1) Fewer bureaucrats, more frontline health workers. Carry out a review of managerial and administrative posts within the health service and the Department of Health, with a view towards eliminating those positions that are surplus to requirement
and using the money saved to hire more frontline health professionals.
2) An end to public subsidies for private healthcare.
3) Immediately end tax breaks for private hospitals and the land gift scheme
4) Abolish the National Treatment Purchase Fund and return its funding to the public health system
5) End private hospital co-location scheme.
Potential to save €100million
6) Apply charges based on the full economic cost to all use of all beds in public and voluntary hospitals in the State for the purposes of private medical practice.
Saves €305million.
7) Reduce the cost of medicines in our health system, establishing a state
company for the wholesale distribution of drugs, using lower-cost generic drugs, and tackling over-prescription and wastage. Saves €200million (figure provided by the Department of Health in2009).

Would you put a cap on the cost of ministerial cars to vehicles that are a little less ostentatious and better value for money, e.g. a ford fiesta?
Yes I would, I would advocate moving to a carpool system similar to that operated in Britain whereby ministers access a car only as they it for ministerial business. Cars should be small and environmentally friendly
Was the IMF / EU bailout a good deal in your opinion and if not can you renegotiate if elected?
No it was a disastrous deal that condemns a whole generation to mass unemployment and emigration in order to bail out European Banks that lent money recklessly to Irish Banks.
Yes we can renegotiate it-by insisting on separating bank debt from sovereign debt as advocated by Pierce Doherty and David McWilliams. Actually we can’t afford not to renegotiate it.
Are you travelling abroad on St. Patrick’s Day at my expense and what do you hope to achieve by it?
No, I’ll be staying in Limerick and look forward to seeing the parade on O’Connell Street.. As you mention the issue of expenses I would like to point out that my expenses as a Councillor were the lowest on Limerick City Council-this is because I don’t do junkets.
Why does the Dail get such long holidays and is it fair on the rest of us?
The Dail gets such long holidays because it has been run by a thoroughly corrupt and inept elite who have become entirely detached from how people in the real world live. No of course it’s not fair, it’s a disgrace.
How much do you think politicians should be paid?
I think they should be paid the average industrial wage, which incidentally is what I will take as my salary should I be elected
Why are certain public servants and members of semi-state bodies paid so much money?
Because they’re great. Only joking, Because they have worked hand in glove with the political elite that have done so much damage to this country, and have been awarded handsomely over the so called Celtic Tiger years. Sinn Fein policy is that no public servant should be paid more than 100K a year.
What real and tangible initiatives does your party have for creating jobs?
We propose the following tangible initiatives:
1)A labour-intensive essential infrastructure programme as part of a €7billion job stimulus programme. The focus of this programme would be to build hospitals,
schools, water infrastructure, public transport networks and to roll out broadband State-wide.
2) Establish within the stimulus programme a €600million Jobs Retention Fund.
This fund would subsidise workers in struggling Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) with the potential to save 96,000 jobs, akin to the successful model used in
3) Create employment through the construction and delivery of childcare services. There is a significant deficit which, if unaddressed, will be an impediment to economic recovery.
4) A new generation of co-operatives. Provide start-up funding and other
support for co-operatives as a viable choice for start-up businesses and
the conversion to co-operatives as an alternative to closure for struggling
5) Jobs created for the under-25s. A Youth Jobs Fund to create 20,000 new jobs
and an individual plan for the long-term prospects of every person under 25 who
is on the Live Register.
6) Boost employment in the tourism sector by developing tourist attractions,
including cultural tourism attractions, amenities for those interested in adventure sport and attractions for children and young people. Implement steps to make Ireland the top destination for those who want a clean, green tourist
destination in Europe. Target emerging and different/niche markets.
7) Grow the agri-food sector by implementing the proposals in the report produced by Sinn Féin TD Arthur Morgan for the Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment. These proposals include funding and support central production hubs for SMEs involved in the agri-food sector.
8) Employ apprentices on public projects. Make the employment of a set amount of
apprentices a condition on which public contracts are awarded to contractors building public infrastructure to help address the crisis in non-completed
apprenticeships due to the construction sector collapse.
j) Create a new generation of entrepreneurs. Do this by changing the
PRSI system to create a safety net for those who attempt to establish their
own business, launching a National Entrepreneurship Programme with
incubation centres on the country and doubling the target for supporting
High Potential Start-Ups (HPSUs) from 200 to 400 per year.
Will you do anything about reducing the excessive number of costly media advisors to the Taoiseach and cabinet?
I wouldn’t use media advisors, I don’t believe any politician is justified in engaging in spin
Would you reverse any decisions made in propping up the banks with taxpayer’s money?
Yes Sinn Fein is very specific in this regard. We would remove the blanket guarantee to bank bondholders, immediately close down Anglo-Irish Bank, and merge Bank of Ireland and AIB.
Given that each ministerial pension costs so much to fund, what is the average fully laden cost to us for each TD? How many do we really need?
Ministerial pensions are a disgrace and should not be tolerated-I would support the idea of ceiling on pension payments for all T.D.’s.
I would retain the current number of T.D.’s at least until such time as a proper system of accountable local government is established. People should have full access to their local politicians- but I would insist that they get paid an awful lot less money and also drastically cut expenses.
With regards,